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It was a great opportunity to learn about microorganisms. Not only did they learn but also I learned too!

Learning by doing is a good method to understand what we are doing. However, a good driving question is also necessary.

First, we asked them “how important are things we cannot see?”. They started wondering questions they had never did about illnesses, food, common habits... It was nice saw them with enthusiasm.

While the lessons were passing by, we wanted to learn more and more. They react to common situations like a mandarin getting mouldy or cheese. Even if our hands are cleaned when we arrived at school... The fact that we could prove what we was wondering, was nice.

Using English was quite difficult with this kind of content, but we managed it using an scaffolding grid. That was really useful.

Finally the day they show us the project is a moment they exhibit what they’ve investigated, and what they’ve discovered... Really interesting!


Lo que importa es lo de adentro

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